Wow a new threat

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I'm so annoyed, but that's the way the cookie crumbles, I guess. This time, she goes up and around the hill where there are only 2 Orcs in the path, EASY!īUT! After killing them both, I stopped to loot one, and BANG! Quest failed! Quae wouldn't give me the quest again, and neither did Phin in Hilsbrad.

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So about 20 kills later, she finds some clues in the hut, and says she's going to run back. Kinlory asks you to escort her to the alchemist's hut, and she chooses to walk right through the camp because she's apparently not that clever. Talk to Quae and she asks you to talk to Kinlory. Comment by ThottbotI found Quae and Kinlory easily, in Arathi Highlands, on the ridge above the Go'Shek Farm, to the North and East, near a windmill.